I know that your life it has not easy
I know that much you have suffered
I swims i can make change
But i can from today on
To bring you alittle of happiness
Its enough that for leave me to this enter
In your heart, in your life
I know that with caress
I can brigthen up your pain
I know that with my love
I will be able to the show
A different world to you
A world of peae and happiness
I can not have nothing
But i have much love for give to you
I know that i can make you happy
Then give me a chance
To show to you that the love exists
That the love can make miracles
Therefore for the true love
No exist barriers
No exist distance capable to suffocate this feeling
Therefore i aks for to you
Of the deep of my heart
Leave me to love you!
Tânia - Tunica